Saturday, August 11, 2012

August 11, 2012

Wow!!  it has been such a long time since I posted here....I am going to work really hard at updating this more often now...esp. since I am moving more to Google products.......

Well Caitlyn is now getting ready to enter her Sophmore year of HS at Franklinton HS.  She is loving it!!!!  She began cheering last year and that is her new passion.  We are so proud of her.  She decided to take a break from dance to focus on school, cheer, and being a teenager!!!!  She is doing well in all of it!!!!  Her cheer squad went to Nationals last May and took home 2nd place!!!!!  She also driving now!!!  Man time sure does fly!!!!!!!!

JC is getting ready to enter 7th grade at Cedar Creek MS!!  He is so excited.  He has continued to play soccer and is excited to be able to go out this year for his middle school team!!!!  Try-out are soon so he is getting anxious as are we.  He is growing like a weed also and eating like it too!!!  At 12 1/2 he i 5'6"!!!!  taller than his sister (who is 3 years older).......

Saturday, June 27, 2009

June 2009

OK, well this month has been crazy busy......

Caitlyn finished 6th grade with a bang and we are so proud of her. She finished the year being on the "A Honnor Roll". She is excited to be going into the 7th grade (I can say that I am no so----growing up way too fast).

JC ended 3rd grade with a bang also, he received a "perfect attendance" award for the entire year!!!!! He also got all one "C" with all the rest being A's and B's.

We are so proud of all the hard work that our two put into school while being very active outside of school.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

May 2009 Update!!!!--been way too long

Well it has been a while since I updated here and I want to try to make more of an effort to update as things go on. Well alot has taken place for us here in the past few month.

Dance is almost over for this year our recital is 29 days away!!!!! We are so proud of both the kids for all they have accomplished this year with dance. Caitlyn has really proven herself to us that she wants to do this and has the ability to go far - she has placed in the top 5 at almost every competition that she took her solo to this year and has earned several scholarships. JC really seems to have some talent that we need to work with and he also loves to perform on stage.

Both kids are getting ready for their EOG's in school (this are the state End of Grade tests). I am more nervous about them then they are :) but we know in our hearts that they will do well. I am having a really hard time with the fact that my "baby" (Caitlyn) is going to be in the 7th grade and JC (my 9yr who is almost as tall as I am) is going to be in the 4th!!!!!!!!!

Last night (5/16/09) Caitlyn attended her first "formal" dance at school. She looked beatiful and had a great time. We are so proud of the wonderful girl she has really turned out to be. She is a hard worker and very dedicated to what she sets out to do. She also gets great grades in school and we are so blessed.

Last weekend JC won the soccer championship tournaments!!!!! He plays in the local soccer group (YAKS) and his age division of 8/9 year old had about 100 players!!!!!!! We are so proud of him and excited. He even scored 2 goals!! He played goalie in 2 of the 5 games and did fantastic.

Just to say again how proud we are of both our children and what they have been able to accomplish thus far.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

March Dance Competition - Hall of Fame

Well last weekend the kids and I traveled to Windson-Salem for a dance competion. Both Caitlyn and JC competed and did a wonderful job. JC danced in 4 dances three recieved Platinum awards and one received High Gold!!! He had a great time and I think he really enjoys this. Caitlyn danced in 9 dances all of which received Platinum awards. Her solo "Bird Flu" (this picture is of her with her dance teacher who choreographed her solo) also place 3rd overall out of all Jr. Solos at this competition and she won Jr. Hall of Fame AlL-Star award. This award will give her the chance to go the Nationals for free. We had a great weekend and I really enjoyed being able to watch both of my children shine like stars. Jay and I are really proud of all the hard work they put into their dances and other activities that they are doing.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Caitlyn turns "12"

My "baby" (she is the second one from he left in the front) turned 12 this past December and boy I can tell you that was hard. She is so grown at times that it kills me to know this is my first born. She is doing great in school and we are proud of her. She is still dancing and is doing a wonderful job.

JC turned 9....

JC turned 9 years old this past January. I can't believe how fast time has flown by. He has grown so much this past year and we are so proud of him. He has been playing soccer, dancing, gymnastics, and hockey and is doing well. This year he started dancing competatively and is really enjoying it and doing a wonderful job. It is fun to watch him on stage having fun.

What we are up to....

Well this is my first blog I am going to try to use this to update everyone about our activites and achievments from time to time. Thanks to a friend who has one out here so that is how I found this place. Good luck to me.....