Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Caitlyn turns "12"

My "baby" (she is the second one from he left in the front) turned 12 this past December and boy I can tell you that was hard. She is so grown at times that it kills me to know this is my first born. She is doing great in school and we are proud of her. She is still dancing and is doing a wonderful job.

JC turned 9....

JC turned 9 years old this past January. I can't believe how fast time has flown by. He has grown so much this past year and we are so proud of him. He has been playing soccer, dancing, gymnastics, and hockey and is doing well. This year he started dancing competatively and is really enjoying it and doing a wonderful job. It is fun to watch him on stage having fun.

What we are up to....

Well this is my first blog I am going to try to use this to update everyone about our activites and achievments from time to time. Thanks to a friend who has one out here so that is how I found this place. Good luck to me.....